Export Plus

Welcome to ExportPlus,

a set of online services created to support the presence of Italian Companies abroad.

With ExportPlus, SACE becomes the partner of Italian Companies in their foreign business, granting against non payment risks and enabling an immediate credit liquidity.

ExportPlus supports Italian exporters since the first steps of the commercial contract negotiation, by offering the Preliminary Evaluation service, which is a feasibility analysis of the coverage and an evaluation of the insurance quote. In the following steps of the negotiation, SACE assists exporters by releasing a policy, which also allows the assignment of the insurance cover rights to a financial institution. SACE ExportPlus policy covers up to 100% of credit risks and permits to manage online the whole insurance procedure.

ExportPlus throughout a high level of digitalization sets up a complete transparency of the relationship between SACE and the exporter, thanks to the use of advanced IT tools.

For further information please read the Q&A section or contact our information service by sending an e-mail to [email protected].